How colors could affect your mood in your own home

The world is a kaleidoscope of colors. Each shade we encounter in our daily lives has the potential to influence our emotional states subtly or dramatically. Believe it or not, the colors could affect your mood in ways you might not have considered.

Understanding Color Psychology

Color psychology is the study of how colors can affect your mood. This fascinating field has roots in ancient Egyptian and Chinese cultures, which used color to promote healing. Scientists continue exploring how different hues could affect your mood, productivity, and physical well-being.

How colors could affect your mood

The colors that surround us play an integral part in our emotional health. Each color has unique properties that could affect your mood differently.

Red, for example, is a color that stimulates and energizes. It’s a bold choice that could inject life into a room and raise its energy level more than you’d like. Blue, on the other hand, is a calming color. It’s a hue that could bring serenity to your space and soothe your mind after a long day.

Green, a refreshing and relaxing color, could bring peace and tranquility to your living room, while yellow, an inspiring and uplifting color, could add a cheerful ambiance to your kitchen.

Purple, a color that encourages creativity and luxury, could affect your mood by adding a touch of sophistication and elegance to your space. On the contrary, white purifies and simplifies, providing a clean and minimalist feel to your home environment.

Black, though powerful, and sophisticated, should be used judiciously. It’s a color that could affect your mood by making a room feel smaller or more confined if used excessively. Meanwhile, grey stabilizes and neutralizes, serving as an excellent backdrop for showcasing other colors. Lastly, colors like orange and pink could excite and nurture, adding layers of personality and warmth to your home.

Practical Application: Colors in Your New NYC Home

For those planning a move, say from New Jersey to New York City, considering the colors in your new home could be just as crucial as hiring reliable movers. The stress of moving can be overwhelming, but the transition also provides an excellent opportunity to consider how colors could affect your mood in your new environment. Just as you would let experts assist you in safely transporting your belongings, consider consulting with a color expert or interior designer to make your new home visually appealing and emotionally comforting.

Choosing colors for your new home involves considering the purpose of each room. For bedrooms, calming colors like blue or soft green could make the space more restful. Living rooms might benefit from more energetic and social colors such as yellow or orange. In a home office, focused and calming colors like grey or blue could help enhance productivity.

In your new NYC home, the natural and artificial lighting will also play a significant role in how colors appear and, subsequently, could affect your mood. Lighter colors can make a small NYC apartment seem larger and brighter, while darker colors might lend a cozy, intimate feel to a spacious loft.

The Impact of Culture on Color Perception

In addition to the general psychological effects of colors, it’s also important to note that cultural background can significantly influence how colors are perceived. For instance, while white is often associated with purity and innocence in Western cultures, it is traditionally the color of mourning in many Eastern cultures. Similarly, while red might symbolize luck and prosperity in Chinese culture, it might be seen as a color of warning or danger in others. Thus, understanding your cultural associations with color could affect your mood and feelings toward your living space.

Color and Seasonality: How Changing Hues Reflect Changing Moods

Another unique aspect of color psychology to consider in your home is the concept of seasonality. As fashion and makeup trends change with the seasons, so can your home decor. Light, bright colors like soft pastels might uplift your mood in the spring, while warmer, richer colors could provide a cozy atmosphere in the fall and winter. That doesn’t necessarily mean repainting your entire house several times a year. However, incorporating seasonal colors through accessories, like throw pillows, blankets, or decor items, could affect your mood by keeping your space fresh and in tune with the natural world.

Color Trends: Making Your Home Both Timeless and Current

Keeping an eye on color trends could also affect your mood by helping to make your space feel both current and timeless. While it’s essential to choose colors that you love and resonate with your style, understanding what’s trending in the world of interior design can help you select hues that will stand the test of time. For instance, the recent shift towards warmer, earth-toned neutrals reflects a broader cultural desire for comfort and connection with nature. Incorporating these trends could positively affect your mood by making your space feel cozy and stylish.

Technology and Color: Virtual Tools to Aid Your Color Journey

As we continue to embrace technology in every aspect of our lives, numerous apps and online tools are available to help you visualize how different colors could affect your mood and the overall feel of your home. These tools allow you to paint your space virtually, experiment with color combinations, and match colors from your favorite photos. By providing a risk-free way to explore different color schemes, these digital tools can make selecting colors for your home a more confident and enjoyable experience.

In conclusion, the colors you choose for your home go beyond just aesthetic appeal. They could affect your mood, influence your emotions, and significantly influence how you experience your space. Whether moving to a new home from NJ to NYC or redecorating your current one, remember to let experts assist you and consider the power of color psychology. You can create a home that reflects and supports your unique personality and lifestyle with thoughtful consideration and creativity.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing Colors

While colors could affect your mood in various ways, it’s crucial to avoid some common mistakes when choosing your palette. Overusing bold colors could be overwhelming, and neglecting the impact of lighting on color perception could lead to unexpected results. Additionally, ignoring personal preferences for the sake of trends could leave you with a home that doesn’t feel truly yours.


As you plan your move or decide to redecorate your existing home, remember the power of color. The hues you choose could affect your mood, energy levels, and overall satisfaction with your space. Be intentional with your choices, keeping in mind not only aesthetics but also the emotional impact each color could have.

Consider the color psychology factors we’ve discussed in your next home project. Whether moving from NJ to NYC or simply redecorating your current home, remember that the right colors could affect your mood and create an ambiance that suits your lifestyle and personality.


Author’s bio:

Nancy Harris is a lifestyle writer passionate about color psychology and interior design, now working with the experts at Eagle Van Lines Moving and Storage. Holding a psychology degree, she merges her understanding of human emotions with aesthetics. Nancy’s insightful work has been featured on numerous decor platforms, and she enjoys traveling and collecting unique art in her spare time.